A phrase so
often used. A phrase I have heard countless times in my life and each and every
time I hear it, I cringe because I know what is coming next. “I’m not racist
but………….[insert racially insensitive comment].”
Racism is a
major problem in this Country, it is not in clusters, it is not confined to the
rural areas of the nation, and it is not a way of thinking reserved for the
older generations. Racism is an ailment* that affects old and young, it thrives
in the ignorant, it is contagious among the weak willed who would rather go
with the flow of community sentiment than to go against the flow and seek to be
educated on the issues.
I have
experienced racism my whole life and despite my rich cultural heritage of which
I am abundantly proud, each and every time I experience racism, it hurts. It
hurts not only because my identity is being attacked or belittled, but that of
my ancestors is being attacked and belittled. I have heard varying remarks of the same theme
“but you look white,” “you wrote this? I thought you said you’re
Aboriginal,” “don’t worry, nobody
will be able to tell” and the list goes on. I have been introduced at
parties as “this is Nat, she’s Abo”
and been told I am “one of the good ones” and asked “what percentage of Aboriginal are you?” The trouble is, the people
asking the questions and making the comments were so ignorant that my hurt was
not apparent to them and on the occasions I could get over the hurt and say
something, I was not met with apologies and understanding, I was met with “you’re too sensitive” and “it wasn’t directed at you personally, so
what’s your problem?”
expectation from a significant portion of people I have come into contact with
is that I must be, or ought to be, ashamed of my Indigenous heritage and
identity. On the contrary, I am very proud of where I have come from and who I
am. I am a descendant of Mary Jane Cain who was one of the very first land
rights activists without knowing it. She was a protector of her people, the
Gamileraay people of Coonabarabran and she petitioned the Crown and was awarded
a small parcel of land which established the “Burra Bee Dee Aboriginal Reserve”
and the Aboriginal people were able to be safe and live on this land. She was
revered by her people and referred to fondly as “Queenie Cain.” She was a
strong and proud woman and existed in a culture where women were not less than
men, they had different but equal roles and she was respected by men and women
alike, and successfully worked within the confines of the new and foreign English
laws to ensure the safe habitation of her people. Mary Jane Cain died at Burra
Bee Dee on 29 July 1929, but she lives on in the hearts, minds and souls of her
descendants. So, ashamed of my identity and culture? Not so much.
people inhabited this land for thousands of years. Indigenous people considered
themselves caretakers of this land and only took what was necessary for their
survival, ensured the flora and fauna flourished by ensuring the ecological
sustainability of the environment by migrating their hunting locations,
conducting restrained and strategic back burning and keeping the earth pristine,
until they were called home to the dreaming (afterlife). The land, to
Aboriginal people, was identity, responsibility and respect. White settlement
(please note that Indigenous people do not consider this land to have been
settled, but rather forcefully invaded, but this is a discussion for another
day) occurred 226 years ago and in the last 226 years the land has been
brutalised and pillaged almost as much as the Indigenous people who, until only
47 years ago, were considered flora and fauna!
people were scientifically examined and considered slightly more intelligent
than primates, thus justifying the constitutional categorisation, and the
powers of the time set out to “breed out” this race with the removal of all
children born of European parentage and it is from this sinister political
policy that the concept of percentage of Aboriginality was borne, a policy of
genocide. So the ancient culture that, in the simplest of terms, was about love
and respect for the environment and one another is the subject of derision, of
utter contempt. This culture and those who identify (there are many that don’t
purely because to do so invites prejudice and ridicule), are treated less than
their non-Indigenous counterparts.
this history and the contemporary presence of racial stereotyping, I query what
is wrong with Australians specifically? In the United States, a similar
situation occurred with Native Americans sustaining displacement and violence
but the Native American people were afforded a treaty with the ‘settlers.’ The
Maori people of New Zealand were similarly afforded a treaty. The African
Americans that were enslaved in America were the focal point of a civil war
started in the interests of equal rights and subsequently lead to the reparation
financially for the years in such abhorrent subordination and violence. There
were members of the white community that stood up, as far up as the President
(Kennedy) that abhorred racism and stood up to not only send a message, but to
bring about change. The abhorrent racism that occurred against those that were
not of a certain colour was acknowledged as wrong and steps were taken in order
to make amends (although complete reparation is never possible when considering
the displacement of an entire race).
This is not
Australia’s experience. In Australia, the Indigenous people were murdered,
massacred, raped, attacked violently, enslaved, imprisoned without having
committed a crime, beaten whilst imprisoned and the subject of attempts at
genocide. Their land was taken and their identities and cultural practices outlawed
and ridiculed. There was no treaty, no reparation, no compensation and no real
acknowledgement on a national scale (until the apology of Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd) of the atrocities that occurred and the violence and racist political
policies continue to oppress the Indigenous people of this nation. There have
been Royal Commissions into the treatment of Indigenous people, but
recommendations are not adopted, there are no meaningful attempts at
Indigenous people speak up against the atrocities of the past they are told “get over it, it’s in the past” and when
Indigenous people speak out against contemporary issues affecting Indigenous
people, they are told to “help themselves.”
It is with
the knowledge of the above history that I am utterly perplexed as to WHY
Indigenous people continue to experience racism. Why is it okay in the minds of
some people? In what sense does it benefit the perpetrator?
Why is this
national problem of racism not common knowledge? I mean, listen to talk back
radio and read the daily telegraph and you will hear and see a whole lot of
reassurance that it is the minority or lefties with the issues, not the
majority. Let’s be clear, the white is the majority so of course the majority
doesn’t have the problem!
Why do we
celebrate his sporting achievements on the field and award him ‘Australian of
the Year’ but if Adam Goodes uses this platform to raise issues of inherent
racism, he is booed when he runs onto the field, attacked on social media and
belittled everywhere else.
What is wrong
with wanting true and genuine equality for Indigenous people? What is wrong
with standing up for what is right? Why are those brave enough to stand up and
be heard treated with such vitriolic backlash?
Because this
Country has a problem and this problem is racism. It is a hate that is learnt
in the home and propagated by the media. It is a problem that the majority
prefer to ignore or deny and the minority that speak out against it, experience
hatred magnified. Because nobody wants their dirty secrets on display, it’s
better to pretend they don’t exist, or better yet – let’s blame it on the
I am a strong
and proud Indigenous woman. I descend from strong and proud Indigenous men and
women. I believe in truth and equality. I believe reconciliation is not a
political policy or stance, it is a mentality of the people and if the
mentality of the people cannot be on board with reconciliation, any attempts at
the political level are futile. This is
where the media has a responsibility; stop broadcasting stories and images that
propagate racism; stop shining a light on issues with the slant that Indigenous
people are the cause of such problems; stop blindly supporting racist
government policies.
Start bringing
about positive change. Start contributing to society in a positive way instead
of being the puppet for scare mongering governments. Start shining a light on
the pure stupidity that is racism. Start illustrating the rich cultural
heritage of Australia. Start calling the political columnists on their covertly
racist columns. Stop apologising to blatantly racist people for calling them on
their views.
While there
are a ridiculous number of racist people out in the Australian community, there
are countless people who do not share these views and are as disenchanted as
Indigenous people when considering racism in this Country. To these people I
say, I love you, I am with you, you are awesome and you are not alone. While
individually, we will lose every time against the majority, together we can
make a difference. We can raise our children to see and acknowledge colour, to
see the injustices that colour brings and to fight against such injustice.
Like all
social problems, there is not a quick fix but there needs to be an awakening of
our social conscience in this Country and we all need to take responsibility
for being the change. I love this Country, I love the land and environment, I
love the people and diversity, I love the opportunities in a globalised world
in the information age but I find the continued racism and stereotyping in this
Country absolutely soul destroying.
We are
smarter than this surely? We can do better than this! We should expect more of
ourselves and our friends and family. Speak up when you hear racist comments,
speak out and be proud to be loud! In the lead up to National Sorry Day, consider the reality of what being sorry means and the fact that, in our personal relationships, when we receive an apology we expect more than words, we expect actions to reflect the words!
Racism, it
stops with me!
*by ailment,
I mean an illness of the closed mind variety, because I am by nature an
optimist. I refuse to believe that those with racist attitudes would maintain
those views if they were properly educated in an objective manner with an open
mind. So for the purposes of this post, let’s consider them ill, because the
alternative is far too sinister and I simply cannot contemplate hate of that
magnitude in a world that my beautiful daughter not only exists but needs to
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